Friday, April 25, 2008


Hayden is such a cute kid and he has done and said some cute things in the past little while and I wanted to write them down.....

* "Mom you weigh Zero pounds", then whispering to me with a cute smile , "but daddy is the fattest of us all"
* "Mom, I figured out what the sun is",
You did babe, what is it? " It's Heavenly Father watching over us because it is so warm!"
Oh is he sweet...
* The other day he decides to wear one shin guard to school under his pants and I did not know until we were at school and he claims it protects him at recess...... Dodge ball must have changes since I was in school.......
* In the bath the other night he leans in and hugs bella saying " i love you prescious" (ooh I could just kiss his face off!)
*earlier in the year he decided to wear just 1 (one) black glove to school, just one, like micheal
jackson, his teacher loved it and said he was just fine, (ok I said, your the professional.)
* In a prayer over dinner he blessed his kindergarten class the they would be alright... so sweet
* He has started baseball and he got a new bat for is birthday and when he goes to use it he picks it up with it's own theme song, Dududududu Duuuu Duuuu Duuuu, (it's hysterical)!
*It's not all roses with him we get the occasional " That's not fair", or "Mom would you stop asking me to do that?"
* When ever we play a game and dad or mom win immediately we are accused of cheating and he claims he is never playing with us again!!
*We need to teach him about not describing people by there weight,
I asked him what lunch lady he was talking about (the one that told him to sit down) and he said "Oh, the fat lunch lady",
milk almost came out of david's nose. Too funny.....
I just love him and he is so funny and a good kid. I love you cheeky monkey!!


Jocelyn said...

I love that he's channeling Michael Jackson! I knew you guys were teaching him well!
And that picture of the two of them sleeping is a little slice of heaven. Glad you guys are enjoying your time in the east.
What happens when you're done?

L.Smith said...

We head west of course! David will start looking for gainful employment within the next couple of months and next june we will go where ever he found work, kind of scary and exciting all at once!